If you’re younger and just experienced a dental injury that left your tooth misshapen or chipped, you’re probably thinking it’s the end of the world. If you’re older and have had smile issues for many years, such as permanently stained teeth, you’ve probably given up hope on achieving the smile of your dreams. Fortunately, people of many backgrounds and age groups can benefit from one of cosmetic dentistry’s crowning achievements: porcelain veneers!

To cover multiple imperfections in your smile, contact our office to plan your next smile makeover!


Dentists utilize ceramics to create porcelain veneers. These are super-thin sheaths designed to cover teeth visible in your smile. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, porcelain veneers are capable of solving many issues, while still being a very durable and long-terms solution. These issues may include but are not limited to:

  • Worn-down enamel, whether it’s occurred over many years of time or as a result of teeth grinding/clenching

  • Abnormal gaps, particularly in the upper and lower front teeth which commonly have this issue

  • Chips or cracks that don’t necessarily require restorative treatments to fix

  • General misalignment, which can not only make your teeth appear straighter, but also help make your bite more even

  • Severe discoloration that teeth whitening can’t fix. This could be a result of consuming staining foods and beverages, taking tetracycline as a child or from previous dental disease.


The process of receiving porcelain veneers only takes two appointments to complete across a couple weeks. This is because an initial visit is needed to discuss your needs as well as confirm your current oral health status. Candidates must have good oral health overall before beginning any cosmetic treatment.  If you have untreated gum disease or tooth decay, you’ll need to get this handled first.

Once that’s established, our dentist will determine the correct shade and begin prepping your enamel for placement. Keep in mind that porcelain veneers require removing a small amount of enamel so there’s room for the veneer to sit flush. This will allow them to look as natural as possible.


As a bonus, porcelain veneers are more stain-resistant than natural enamel because of their super smooth surface. Enamel has many cracks and crevices for food and beverages to seep into, therefore making them more susceptible to stains. With that being said, you should still practice daily oral care and commit to routine dental visits. Brushing twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste works to remove stains and prevent decay of teeth underneath veneers, while flossing helps you remove plaque from their edges.

Furthermore, you should also:

  • Avoid using your teeth as a tool

  • Purchase a nightguard if you experience chronic teeth grinding or clenching

  • Wear a mouthguard when participating in contact or extreme sports

  • Avoid chewing foods that typically damage enamel (i.e. ice)

Dr. Priyanka Seekand and Dr. Kimberly Peters love seeing their patients’ reactions after their new smile is revealed. Don’t settle for a smile that is any less than perfect. Schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Conyers today!